Should you rank candidates on a long list?

Whether you’ve had 20 or 200 applications for your vacant role, the process of screening candidates is going to be one of the most time-consuming stages of the recruitment process. One way as a hiring manager you can speed this process up it to rank candidates on a long list. But what is a long […]

How to write job ads that attract (the right) attention

By Lisa Sandberg We’ve all read job ads that are full or buzzwords like ‘good communicator’ and ‘team player’, or job descriptions that are long yet evasive about what the role actually is. But in a highly competitive recruitment market, boring copy simply isn’t going to cut it. The content in your job ads is […]

How to do cold outreach to candidates (and not get a reputation for poaching)

You’ve started a recruitment campaign for a role and have decided that you don’t want to just rely on applicants to your job ad. You want to do some headhunting, too. But how do you go about doing effective cold outreach to the people you’ve identified without getting a reputation for poaching? Let’s take a […]

What assessments should you conduct on your preferred candidate?

By Lisa Sandberg From Myers Briggs to DISC, police checks to medicals, there are dozens of checks and assessments you can conduct on your preferred candidates before offering them a role in your company.  But what assessments do you actually need? This will vary depending on the job you’re hiring for and the requirements of […]

How to take a reference on a candidate that is tailored to the role

After a lengthy selection process you’ve found the person you think is the perfect candidate for your role. But before you get them to sign on the dotted line you have one last check to make – getting a reference from someone they’ve worked with before who can back up their claims. How do you […]

Questions you should avoid asking in interviews

When planning what questions you want to ask candidates in job interviews, planning what you don’t want to ask is just as important as planning what you do. The wrong question asked in an interview can have immediate negative impacts: While some interviews are formal with scripted questions and a panel of interviewers, other interviews […]

How to respond to a candidate who gets a counteroffer

You’ve spent weeks working through the recruitment process, interviewing candidates, completing reference checks, and have now made a formal offer to your preferred candidate. You pat yourself on the back and say ‘job well done’. Not so fast. After taking a few days to consider the offer, the candidate tells you they’ve accepted a counteroffer […]

6 new marketing tactics to promote your vacant role

Looking to fill a job vacancy in your small-to-medium business? As an SME owner or hiring manager, it can sometimes be tough to compete with larger companies when it comes to attracting the best candidates. In a highly competitive recruitment market, getting your role seen needs to go beyond the ‘post-and-pray’ method: posting a job […]

The three questions you must ask a candidate in a job interview

If you search Google for the ‘best job interview questions to ask, you will get more than 389 million results. This is almost equivalent to the number of options you have for questions you can ask when interviewing potential candidates for a role. But since as a SME owner, leader or hiring manager you don’t […]