Top 4 reasons why field work is CRUCIAL for any young engineer

So, you’ve just completed a minimum of 4 years at uni and looking to start your engineering career?

Perhaps the goal is to get into a good graduate program with a tier 1 consultancy or join the owner’s team. For a lot of new engineers, an opportunity to work remotely and away from family and friends in the ‘field’ is not even a consideration.

HOWEVER, I’m going to share with you four reasons why working in the field is one of the best things you could ever offer your future self. Why? Not only doe

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s fieldwork help you stand out from the crowd, but it also educates you from the ground up (literally!).

Have you heard the phrase ‘an architects dream is an engineers nightmare’? It’s because designers & architects come up with theoretically tested designs that might not always be practical (or within budget) in reality. Exhibit A.

I’ve spoken to many engineers who wish they’d worked on site earlier in their careers, even if it was just a few months… Take their advice and put in the site hours while you’re young the benefits are truly outstanding.

Here are the top 4 benefits of working in the field:

  1. Allows you to learn and understand how things practically come together on site which is just as important as theoretical analysis.
  2. You will gain well-rounded experience – employers are demanding this & your peers will respect it.
  3. Working onsite allows you to build relationships with people who will employ you as their consultant in the future.
  4. It instantly differentiates you from the many other young engineers that have not strayed from the CBD.

If you are looking to gain experience out in the field, I might have a suitable opportunity for you. Please get in touch with me or my team on 07 3041 4212 or send through your details to